Tuesday 19 August 2008

New Order | Touched By The Hand Of God (FACD 193)

01 - Touched By The Hand Of God (Twelve Inch Mix)
02 - Confusion (Dub 1987)
03 - Temptation (1987 Mix)

|download: zshare
|pass: heatmydeck.blogspot.com
|youtube: touched by the hand of god
|myspace: myspace.com/neworder


Dioxaz said...


This is a very nice initiative from your part to share a rip of that FACD193 release, as it is rare and hard to find.

Unfortunately, I think there is a problem with zShare as it won't let the user download the file and instead will take him back to the download page each time he tries!

It's not that I like begging but I'm not feeling in spending 10€ or more for that maxi-CD right now (and no, it wouldn't be nice to associate me with those hungry pirates, I only barely use P2P and for rare content only, and any stuff I enjoy a lot, I try to buy it in its original form).

So, it would be even nicer from your part if you could host this on another place than zShare.


[heatmydeck] said...

I'm wating zshare to fix this bug. If not, I'll what I can do so. Most of the files in this blog are hosted there...
I had problems with shareonall once and it was very hard to re-up all those posts on another site (zshare).
Hope they fix this problem soon...