This is a very nice initiative from your part to share a rip of that FACD193 release, as it is rare and hard to find.
Unfortunately, I think there is a problem with zShare as it won't let the user download the file and instead will take him back to the download page each time he tries!
It's not that I like begging but I'm not feeling in spending 10€ or more for that maxi-CD right now (and no, it wouldn't be nice to associate me with those hungry pirates, I only barely use P2P and for rare content only, and any stuff I enjoy a lot, I try to buy it in its original form).
So, it would be even nicer from your part if you could host this on another place than zShare.
Dioxaz, I'm wating zshare to fix this bug. If not, I'll what I can do so. Most of the files in this blog are hosted there... I had problems with shareonall once and it was very hard to re-up all those posts on another site (zshare). Hope they fix this problem soon...
● This blog is not designed for commercial purposes. ● No files are hosted in its server. ● All mp3 files on this blog are copyrighted and posted here to encourage you to buy the original records from the artists/labels. ● Note that in some countries it's not possible to find the original releases. ● Everything you download here, you must delete within 24 hours. ● Please report broken links. ● Comments are welcome!
This is a very nice initiative from your part to share a rip of that FACD193 release, as it is rare and hard to find.
Unfortunately, I think there is a problem with zShare as it won't let the user download the file and instead will take him back to the download page each time he tries!
It's not that I like begging but I'm not feeling in spending 10€ or more for that maxi-CD right now (and no, it wouldn't be nice to associate me with those hungry pirates, I only barely use P2P and for rare content only, and any stuff I enjoy a lot, I try to buy it in its original form).
So, it would be even nicer from your part if you could host this on another place than zShare.
I'm wating zshare to fix this bug. If not, I'll what I can do so. Most of the files in this blog are hosted there...
I had problems with shareonall once and it was very hard to re-up all those posts on another site (zshare).
Hope they fix this problem soon...
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