Dear blog friends.
As you may know, people are having hard problems downloading from zshare.
I was taking a break on posting (for personal reasons) when this shit happened. Many complaints about “invalid links”, and people asking for re-ups these days. Curiously, this blog has never had so many comments as now since it’s born…
So, I have nothing to do with this zshare bug. I’ve been waiting for them to fix this but days and days have passed and nothing’s changed. Of course I’ve reported this problem to zshare crew but no answers until now. I’m starting to think the blog were killed buy his main partner as, at least 95% of the files, are on zshare.
Something similar to this has happened some time ago, when more than 40 links disappeared with shareonall’s death. It was very frustrating and hard do re-up most of those links.
I always thought HeatMyDeck could be closed by Google or RIAA for some copyright infringement thing but, what’s happening now is much more frustrating. Deleted links, disappearing posts... nothing gets close to this. This time, the loss of good music and energy of mine, is massive.
If things do not go back to normal on zshare, I’m not sure if I will keep posting here. I’m human and only one person at all. Yeah… HeatMyDeck runs risk of death by now. I don’t know exactly what to do yet...
Very sad :(
Mediafire or somewhere else?
Whatever you decide, thanks loads for even just the suggestions of music. Had some very dark days this past year and on occasion playing some of the heat my deck juicy mixes in my car has totally turned the day around. Thanks!!!
Complicado. Também tenho passado pelo mesmo problema. Posts e links deletados com muita facilidade..mas vou continuar postando. Abraço e boa sorte! By the way...vc tem o Last Night do Moby remixado?
don't give up man.. great blog..
Uma pena!!!! Adoro seu Blog, conheci muita coisa boa aqui!!!
thank you for your blog posts - you've got an incredible taste in music and it would be unfortunate to shut down, but if you do - that's the breaks.
If you decide to give up this blog, thanks a lot for the good downloads i had over the time! You rock!
If you decide to keep up, Rapidshare is a real good option (works great for me where i have a account =P), just disguise the file-names of the rar files and youll have a good chance of everything staying up =), and of course you will still rock.
Mediafire seems to be a good option. Other optiosn are 4shared and badongo.
It seems that rapidshare and Megaupload are more funtional now than they used to be...
thanx anyway! great blog - the best I've ever seen! I'll be happy if you decide to keep it on
Megaupload. Please don't quit!
Sad as everyone else : please don't give up, even if you don't repost everything, keep posting new stuff. But anyway, if you decide to quit, I have to thank you too for your job. And if you quit, please don't delete heatmydeck, maybe a few links are still working, and i'm missing a lot of chemical brother's album amongst others :'(
Oh and by the way, it seems that recently upped stuff on zshare do work, meanwhile links older than like a week or two seem not working
I recommend Mediafire. They have some ups and downs, but they generally remedy those quickly (compared to ZS).
I love your blog so I hope you continue.
you can't stop we all need you :D
Ah!! Realmente deve ser muito frustrante. Se vc decidir largar o blog não vou poder reclamar, só agradecer pelo oq já descobri baixando os sons daqui. Mas se vc decidir continuar, UHUUU!! Ficaremos todos mto agradecidos, embora eu saiba q isso não vai transparecer nos comments hehe. Anyways, boa sorte!!!
Your blog has been a ray of funky light, if you close, thanks so much for the incredible treats. Many of my recent music purchases have been due to my sampling the sounds here first.
this blog fucking rules!
dont quit man!
all your fans r with u haha
hey man, don't give up
if you want, i'd up all my archives to keep this blog active
my hotmail: rocklee_gustavo@hotmail.com
if you want
we're all with you man!
What he said, if you decide to keep this up i suggest we just all help you recover. Let people who are interested submit their e-mail adress to help rebuild this blog, and maybe help maintain if needed!
Bullshit !
But please, don't give up
your blog is so awesome *-*
I'm a brazilian guy, who loves your blog and song posted here!!!
There are many options that's you could post, like Badongo, Mediafire...
So...DONT LEAVE US ALONE... We need your songs and Juicys...
let's help him!
também conheci muita música boa por aqui.. seria verdadeiramente uma pena o fechamento dele.
don't give up ^^
"Juicy Mixes" merecen un lugar en la red
pleeease add me in your messenger:
i'll help you to ressurect the blog
We're feeling the same shit over at Wasted American Youth.
Regardless...best fucking blog I've seen a while.
Cheers to you!
totally agree with the chatter, best blog i've come across! the amount of quality music i've 'acquired' through here is jaw dropping!
Your fans and followers are all more then ready to help you out on this one dude, but if it's all too much, im sure we all understand! after all you are taking great risk here!
Long live HeatMyDeck!!
J* x
hi! i downloaded some primal scream from you once, thanx. as for zshare: yes, there are troubles, but starnegely not always; for example zshare-downloads from chris the great at http://chrisgoesrocks.blogspot.com/ always work. anyway, why not chenge to megaupload or mediafire? i wouldn't recommend rapidshare, though, as they have recently been ordered by a hamburg court to implement a much stricter policy of monitoring downloads of copyrighted material & promised to do so. anyway, whatever you do, all the best & thanx for those primal scream cuts - i always hoped there would be more (damn those elusive b-sides ;-)). good luck! ubique
Hey, just discovered this here blog and if you want, I'd also be very willing to help out.
Give me a shout over at my blog or something.
I've got tons of stuff I could contribute with, though I suppose that depends if you have a certain genre you'd like to stick to?
Never ever posted before but felt compelled as it's a great blog. I hope you will continue with rapidshare? Anyway great work man
ZOMGWTFBBQ! Don't quit man! There's plenty of other sites out there where you can up your stuff.
I'm a brazilian too, and there are many options that's you could post yet, like rapidshare, Mediafire, 4shared...
So...DONT LEAVE US ALONE... We need your songs and Juicys...[2]
Hey guy, please don't give up
This is the only blog that I discovered music
and very good musics, really musics.
so, please, just think of this.
Good luck.
A minha opinião é a mesma de muitos aqui.
Qualquer que seja a tua decisão, só temos a agradecer por teres partilhado algumas perolas conosco.
Fiacmaos todos mais cultos e mais ricos.
Thou shalt not quit posting !
It's not only this site that links aren't working. I am having trouble downloading stuff from other sites too when it's on zshare. Prolly a database error or sumthing. Just kick new shit up on megaupload or something amd leave the rest like it is. Not worth quitting for. So it was a lot of work; it can be rebuild.
lookie lookie:
I was having problems (couldn't view or download) with Zshare and looked on the net to find a solution and this is what I have found.
I'm with Virgin Media, UK and it looks like Zshare have blocked countries. It's not VM that's blocking Zshare.
The way around this is to use an USA proxy, here's a link to how to do it:
The link is for getting around the country block on veoh but it works for Zshare.
I used Solution 2 and it worked for me, you have to use an USA proxy. (I haven't tried other countries)
Here's a list of proxies:
I hope this helps others out there.
i don't know how to handle with proxys...
man, whatever happens, thank you for everything!!
Hi everybody.
I'm very happy reading all these comments! Thank you all for the support.
This kinda got me motivated, I admitt :)
I don't know what to do yet but an official reply is coming soon, as a new post.
I tried that proxy solution but it didn't work...
I still hope zshare could fix this.
Happy information;
Don't give up, yet.
Juices Mixes make our lives more and more happy
And mine too.
Thanks for all guys
and be stronger.
You should use mediafire. Mediafire is by far the best uploader for files under 100mb. If you happen to get >100mb files, just split them up into seperate RAR archives.
yeah, mediafire is the best (so far).
Oh man, I think that I'm going to hate zshare.
Well, this blog is the only place that I found musics of bands such as Cut Copy, and the Electric feel EP [MGMT], +++ [...]
Well, I need to make the download.
And I could cry..
Boy, you've got an incredible taste in music.
Thanks for all.
Yeeeeeeeah !
"I'm so fucking happy, I could cry."
Love HeatMyDeck <3
Mediafire is good up/down speed, but they delete files sometimes.
Megaupload is the fastest up/down free service, even faster if you sign up for free account, and the links usually last for ages.
Hope that helps. And thanks for your time and good work.
Mediafire has a fast up/down but does not support password protected files...
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